
The Streets You Didn’t Know Were Killing You

By January 18, 2019 No Comments

Atlanta is a bustling city with many diverse inhabitants. The city is known for its culture, history, and potholes. Yes, the potholes. Atlanta has an inordinate amount of potholes and unsafe roads. The roads in Atlanta have been a problem for a very long time. They are constantly the scenes of bumper to bumper traffic, collisions, and civilian deaths. The odd thing about Atlanta is that 8% of the roads account for 88% of the fatal collisions. The Atlanta Bike Coalition is trying to aid the problem in the best way they know how…bikes. Rebecca Serna, a representative from the Coalition, spoke about some of their programs that they have worked hard to implement throughout Atlanta. They began teaching bike safety at elementary schools and organizing programs to make people aware of roadway safety. One main event that they use to educate and engage civilians is their ‘Atlanta Streets Alive’ event. They shut down various roads for the public to walk, skate, and bike on. It’s a fun event for the whole family to get out and see the city from a different perspective; from the perspective of where the cars and buses claim the lanes on any other day throughout the year.